Walter-Fach-Kraft – Personnel specialist since 1997

Founded in 1997 as a 2‑man office, we at Walter-Fach-Kraft are now a successful personnel specialist with 25 offices in Germany, Austria and Poland. Our headquarter is located in Fulda, in the geogra­phical centre of Germany – very close to Frankfurt with its inter­na­tional airport.

According to your business objec­tives, we select employees for you, organize their deployment and promote the develo­pment of your employees. This requires strategic and sustainable planning and a suitable corporate culture.

Walter-Fach-Kraft – Blick aufs Fuldaer Schlosstheater

We know the German and European labour market. You too can benefit from our expertise:

  • Personnel planning
  • Recruitment
    • Headhunting, personnel placement
    • Temporary employment
  • Direct approach to potential employees
  • Staff deployment and management
  • Human Resources Development
  • Personnel Controlling
  • Tax and labour law
  • Employment contracts
  • Compen­sation Management

Our approach

Recruitment begins with the quali­fi­cation and analysis of your personnel requi­re­ments and company goals. After the needs analysis has been completed, possible target groups are defined (techni­cians, sales­people, specialist knowledge, etc.), addressed and selected. The contact is made both indirectly via adver­ti­se­ments in web and print media and directly via direct contact at events or on the Internet. After the pre-selection of appli­cants, we accompany the appli­cation process until the contract is signed and often beyond.

  • Quali­fi­cation of the need and definition of the target group
  • Approa­ching potential candi­dates and comparing their skills with the requi­rement profile
  • Pre-selection of appli­cants and organization of the appli­cation process
  • Possible assessment centers
  • Accom­p­animent up to the conclusion of the contract

Our offer

Temporary employment – flexi­bility in production and administration

Temporary employment – also known as temporary work, agency work or personnel leasing – is an instrument of flexible human resources management and refers to the „hiring out“ of workers to another company.

Temporary work is charac­te­rised by the trian­gular relati­onship between temporary employment agency, temporary worker and user enter­prise. The employment contract with all the main and ancillary obliga­tions arising therefrom is concluded between the temporary employment agency and the temporary worker. The temporary employment agency is respon­sible for all employer obliga­tions. This means that the hirer company is not liable for holiday, public holiday and illness costs or social security contributions.

Temporary work enables you to bridge personnel bottlenecks, capacity bottlenecks, temporary order peaks and temporary absences of employees due to vacation or illness quickly, unbureau­cra­ti­cally and effici­ently. This ensures your compe­ti­ti­veness even in difficult times.

And you can test your new employees for permanent employment without obligation.

Temporary employment by Walter-Fach-Kraft is …

  • flexible: You can react quickly and easily to fluctua­tions in opera­tional develo­pment. In this way you can optimise the labour factor even during seasonal, cyclical or opera­tional order peaks and personnel bottlenecks.
  • Cost-effective: You deploy manpower exactly where it is needed, and the actual work performed is calcu­lated exactly.
  • Qualified: You get tested, well-trained and reliable employees. They are selected by experi­enced personnel profes­sionals who know your requi­re­ments and take them into account.
Elektroniker bei der Arbeit

Recruitment – discreet, direct, fast

Find reliable and competent personnel for job place­ments quickly and easily. Exactly the employees that fit your company. The experi­enced and committed personnel profes­sionals at Walter­Fach­Kraft carry out the pre-selection for you and ensure that you only find suitable candi­dates. Proximity to the job market in combi­nation with supra-regional locations guarantee a compre­hensive and result-oriented approach – profes­sio­nally and discreetly. In accordance with your requi­rement profile, we take over all steps in the recruitment process. We provide you with precise perfor­mance profiles of each employee, which are compared with your company requi­re­ments. The pre-selection process ensures that you only meet suitable appli­cants. This saves your time.

In addition to the criterion of profes­sional compe­tence, our personnel planners pay parti­cular attention to the cultural harmony between man and company. Individual perfor­mance culture, values and behaviour patterns are at the centre of this. It is possible to assess this correctly because our recruiters often know the potential employees perso­nally – and this is exactly where the key to a long-term and truly successful coope­ration lies.

Compre­hensive applicant management with an eye for detail: We find suitable and motivated specia­lists for you across all industries.

Recruitment and placement by WalterFachKraft

  • In the area of applicant management, we have special software that posts your job adver­ti­se­ments on up to 250 different regional and national job exchanges and web portals. We also use social media channels.
  • We take care of the job adver­ti­sement, we write the text, conduct job inter­views and find the right applicant for your vacancy.
  • We realise a targeted approach to appli­cants with a unique reach quickly, inexpen­sively and without complications.

All our daily activities are based on our mission statement:



Long-term relati­onships are our goal. Since this can only be achieved by satisfied customers, the quality of our services is the main focus of our work: the best possible support is just as much a part of this as the exclusive use of profes­sio­nally qualified and reliable personnel.


We want our customers to feel secure in the business relati­onship. With stable contractual condi­tions we ensure a lasting relati­onship of trust. It goes without saying that we adhere 100% to the appli­cable statutory and collective bargaining provisions


We know regional markets and special features. With almost 25 offices in a nationwide network, we are present throughout Germany: personal contact and commitment to the interests of our customers form the basis of our services. We also under­stand our customers as our employees.

Customer orien­tation

We do every­thing in our power to respond optimally to the individual requi­re­ments of our customers. That is why we maintain an open dialogue with you. And because we always want to develop further and become better, we look forward to your constructive feedback.

Corporate gover­nance

Without the obser­vance of funda­mental values, lasting economic success cannot be possible. We work trans­par­ently and sustainably, taking into account the interests of all parties involved in the cooperation.